Strawberry Margarita Poptails

If this week has been any indication, it looks like we'll have an especially hot summer this year. What's better than a creamy popsicle on a hot summer day? A creamy adult popsicle!

These Strawberry Margarita Poptails are so easy to make you'll want to keep them in your freezer all summer long! 

Ingredients & Instructions

  • 1 can of condensed milk (14oz)
  • 2 Tbls fresh lemon juice
  • 2 cups pureed strawberries (blend fresh strawberries with a little water)
  • 1/4 cup tequila
  • 10 slices fresh lime (1/4" thick"
  • craft or popsicle sticks
  • Dixie cups

If you don't already have Dixie cups in the house, try to find the new "8 inspiring designs" pack. With sayings like be awesomeenjoy the little things and good vibes, it's like they were custom designed just for poolside popsicles!

First, let's get everything ready. Put 10 Dixie cups on a baking tray. Then stick a popsicle stick through the center of each lime slice. The lime slices will help keep the popsicle sticks upright as they freeze, and also keeps the popsicle from dripping all over your fingers! Now we're ready to make our poptail mix.

Popsicle Sticks

In a pitcher, mix together the condensed milk, lemon juice, pureed strawberries and tequila. 

Pour poptail mix into the Dixie cups and top each with a popsicle stick, adjusting the lime slice so that it sits directly on top of the mix. Freeze the poptails overnight. When you're ready to serve, just peel the cup away and... voila! The perfect poolside treat! 

Get Creative!

How about Mango Margarita Pops? Georgia Peach Pops? Raspberry Lime? Just replace the pureed strawberries with any combination of fruit. We love good recipes that are easy to customize!

Good to Know...

Because alcohol doesn't freeze, putting too much in these pops will make them slushy and hard to eat. A good rule of thumb is 1oz of alcohol for each cup of other liquids. 

Happy Poptailing! 
